Teachers with master’s degrees enjoy a competitive edge: greater demand, higher salaries, and more paths to advancement. Get there sooner with our innovative five-year programs: You earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees, potentially saving time and tuition compared to a conventional sequence. Spreading coursework over five years also provides flexibility, opening more opportunities to study abroad, student-teach internationally, or take a leadership role on campus.
Our highly integrated five-year programs are designed for all students, including those who have completed high school and are first-time, first-year students, and transfer students from community colleges or other four-year institutions.
Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Launch your career as a highly qualified teacher, certified to work with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Successful candidates in this five-year program graduate with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as eligibility for several state teaching certifications.
Elementary Education
Choose this degree program to teach students who are deaf or hard of hearing in grades K–6 and to provide in-class support in middle and high schools. This program prepares you for the separate licensures required of teachers of the deaf or hard of hearing in New Jersey: K–12 oral/aural, K–12 sign communication, and K–6 elementary education.
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Special Education
Prepare to become a highly qualified teacher of students with disabilities in this five-year program. Successful candidates graduate with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as eligibility for state certifications to teach children with disabilities, including autism, learning disabilities such as dyslexia, physical disabilities, and severe disabilities.
Early Childhood Education
Earn dual certifications to work as a developmental interventionist in early intervention services for children birth through age 3 as well as a teacher of children with disabilities in P–3.
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Elementary Education
Position yourself for a variety of career options across all school levels. Graduates of this program are qualified to teach special education in grades K–6, elementary education in grades K–6, and grades 6–12 with a certification in a state-approved content area. Graduates are also qualified to provide in-class support at the middle and high school levels.
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Secondary Education
Ideal for students planning to become a middle or high school English, Mathematics, Social Studies, or Biology teacher who want to be able to meet the diverse needs of secondary students in inclusive classrooms, or to specifically work in special education classrooms grades 6–12.
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